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1. When is the current contract for IOLs (Intra ocular lenses) in Ophthalmology up for renewal?
2. Who is your current IOL provider?
3. Please provide annual usage in the following years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018 year to date
4. Please provide annual spend in the following years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018 year to date
5. In relation to IOLS what is your Route to Market /OJEU reference and contractual commitments including extension options?
6. When is your Phaco machinery (for cataracts) contract up for renewal?
7. Who is your current provider of the Phaco machinery?
8. How many Phaco machines do you have and what are the age of these machines?
9. In relation to Phaco machines what is your Route To Market /OJEU reference and contractual commitments including extension options?
10. When is your VR (Vit-Ret) machinery contract up for renewal?
11. Who is your current provider of the VR machinery?
12. How many VR machines do you have and what are the age of these machines?
13. In relation to VR machines what is your Route To Market /OJEU reference and contractual commitments including extension options?
14. What type of contract do you have with your local commissioner payment by results, block contract, or an aligned incentives?
15. Do you currently have a managed equipment service within your NHS Trust?
16. If yes what disease area?
17. How many YAG lasers linked PCO (Posterior capsule Opacification) after cataracts have you undertaken between 2017-2018 and 2018-2019?
18. Does your NHS Trust outsource initiative list for cataracts to a 3rd party suppliers to support capacity inefficiencies?
19. If yes is this contract between the Trust and 3rd party provider or the CCG and 3rd party provider?

Download response Ophthalmology. 221220