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Please find attached a copy of your letter in response to a “freedom of information” request. Please can you explain the answer at point 1 in your letter which, at best seems factually incorrect and at worse, deliberately misleading.

Your letter clearly states at point 1 that the Trust does provide multi-parametric MRI scans prior to biopsies but, I have been told by the consultant at Maidstone Hospital that only larger tumours will be detected thereby. I have been advised that there are no machines suitable for mpMRI scans at either Maidstone or Tunbridge Wells hospitals.

The web-site here seems to be clearly relying on the information provided in your letter –!/vizhome/mpMRIFOIpublicdashboard-ProstateCancerUK_0/FullresultsStory as shown by the map excerpt below.

Download response Multiparametric MRI. 070317