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Responders to the Request
1. Could you tell us the job roles of all the individuals who provided information for this request?
2. Please provide us with the details of a main clinical point of contact for this request.
3. Around how many babies were delivered by your organisation over the last financial year?
The Management of Maternity Services Staff Training
1. Which statement most closely resembles how training for staff working within maternity services is prioritised in your organisation?
2. Please provide the role(s)/job title(s) of those involved in reviewing and deciding training priorities for your maternity service.
3. What information is considered when deciding training priorities/Training Needs Analyses for maternity services within your organisation?
4. How often are training priorities reviewed and updated for your maternity service?
5. Thinking about time allocated for staff to attend training/CPD activities…
a. Did your organisation allocate a percentage uplift specifically for midwives to attend CPD training?
(separate to uplift allocated for sickness/other absences)
b. Did your organisation allocate a percentage uplift specifically for maternity support workers to attend CPD training? (separate to uplift allocated for sickness/other absences)
c. How many days of study leave were available in your organisation for junior doctors working within obstetrics (at registrar level) to attend CPD training? (if this varied, please provide an average)
Days per year
d. How many days of study leave were available in your organisation for consultants working within obstetrics to attend CPD training? (if this varied, please provide an average)
Days per year
e. How many hours per week of supporting professional activities (SPA) time was allocated in your organisation to consultants working within obstetrics?
The Assessment of Maternity Services Staff Training
1. Is data analysed and course content modified in response to evaluation of training programmes provided to maternity staff at your organisation?
2. At which time points do you collect evaluation data on your in-house training?
3. Do you evaluate whether any training you provide has an impact on clinical outcomes (e.g. post-partum haemorrhage, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy)?
4. Of the training topics provided to maternity staff by your organisation, what percentage do you evaluate using clinical outcomes?
5. What are the barriers to fully evaluating the maternity training provided within your organisation?
The Delivery of Maternity Services Staff Training
1. Do you involve other specialities in your training by either involving them in delivery of training, or inviting them to attend? e.g. Involving paramedics in community skills & drills training, or critical care staff in training on management of the acutely unwell woman.
2. Have you identified barriers to providing multi-professional training? i.e. different professionals (obstetricians, midwives, obstetric anaesthetists, etc) in the maternity team training together
3. Do you tailor your training to allow staff to upskill in topics relating to the specific characteristics of your local pregnant population? This involves knowing the local demographic and possible vulnerabilities (e.g. aging population, women with multiple disadvantages, specific diseases).
4. Are staff qualified in examination of the newborn (NIPE) required to attend refresher training?
5. Did you use external providers to deliver any of the training provided to your maternity staff in the last financial year?
Attendance at Maternity Services Staff Training
1. With regard to mandatory training, do you audit how often maternity staff attend updates within the time specified by your organisation’s guidelines?
2. When audited, what was the rate of timely attendance for all staff at mandatory training/updates?
3. What was the rate of timely attendance for midwives?
4. What was the rate of timely attendance for consultant obstetricians?
5. What was the rate of timely attendance for junior doctors working in obstetrics?
6. What was the rate of timely attendance for consultant obstetric anaesthetists?
7. What was the rate of timely attendance for junior doctors working in obstetric anaesthesia?
8. What was the rate of timely attendance for other staff groups (e.g. ODPs, MSWs)?
Training Budgets
1. What was the amount (£) spent on direct costs of maternity training provision over the past financial year by your organisation (from any source)? This might include venue costs, costs of paying external providers, etc.
2. Did your organisation budget for backfill of those staff attending training?
3. Thinking about the source of these funds, what percentage was provided by each of the following:
4. Within your organisation, do you provide an individual allocated budget for professionals in the following groups to attend CPD training?
a. An individual CPD budget per midwife?
b. An individual CPD budget per junior doctor working within maternity services?
c. An individual CPD budget per consultant working within maternity services?
d. Do any other staff groups have an individual CPD budget allocated?
Training Topics
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 1
1a. Did your organisation offer emergency skills & drills training to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including shoulder dystocia, cord prolapse, eclampsia, hypertensive crisis, antepartum & postpartum haemorrhage, vaginal breech birth, uterine inversion, uterine rupture, amniotic fluid embolism, maternal collapse, water birth/pool drill, covid-19 positive emergency, impacted fetal head, anaesthetic related emergency and intrapartum deinfibulation.
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
1c. Did your organisation provide emergency skills & drills training which was specific to the pre-hospital setting (i.e. specifically for community midwives)?
1d. Did training in this topic include consideration of the impact of ‘human factors’ in emergency scenarios (e.g. communication/situational awareness)?
1e. Did emergency skills & drills training include simulation of unit-specific emergency escalation/communication protocols?
1f. Do you use real-life scenarios and cases in your emergency skills & drills training? (e.g. MBRRACE-UK vignettes)
1g. Did training provided include developing an awareness of indications and use for cell salvage?
1h. Does training in emergency skills & drills include scenarios involving women whose first language is not English?
1i. Did training in emergency skills & drills include identification of clinical signs in people with black and brown skin?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered?
8a. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
8b. If you collect evaluation data for training on this topic, please attach an example/examples of methods used to evaluate this training at your organisation to your response.
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 2
1a. Did your organisation offer fetal monitoring training to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including continuous electronic fetal monitoring (CTG) and intermittent auscultation.
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic?
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered?
8a. At your organisation, was competency in fetal monitoring assessed?
8b. If competency was assessed and not passed, were relevant clinical duties removed until competent?
8c. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
8d. If you collect evaluation data for training on this topic, please attach an example/examples of methods used to evaluate this training at your organisation to your response.
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 3
1a. Did your organisation offer interpersonal and human factors skills training to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including communication, situational awareness, communication/handover tools, cognitive bias, impact of stress/fatigue/workload and escalation
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered?
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 4
1a. Did your organisation offer training on early recognition and management of the acutely unwell woman to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including early recognition, enhanced maternal care, maternal critical care, and assessment and management of a covid-19 positive woman
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic?
1c. Did training in this topic include appropriate use of maternal early warning systems (MEOWS or similar)?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 5
1a. Did your organisation offer training on sepsis to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including recognition and management of maternal sepsis and recognition and management of neonatal sepsis
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 6
1a. Did your organisation offer training on co-morbidities in pregnancy/management of high-risk pregnancies to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including hypertension, diabetes, obesity/women post bariatric surgery, thromboembolism, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, advanced maternal age, teenage pregnancy, twin pregnancy, stroke, malignancy
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered?
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 7
1. Did your organisation offer training on adult/maternal life support to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 8
1a. Did your organisation offer training on newborn life support to maternity staff in the last financial year?
1b. Did training on this topic include skills/simulation training with the neonatal team?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 9
1a. Did your organisation offer training on learning from adverse events to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including incident reporting, learning from adverse events, candour, and family engagement
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
1c. Did you provide specific training on conducting serious incident investigations for staff directly involved in this activity?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 10
1. Did your organisation offer training on informed consent to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 11
1a. Did your organisation offer training on other professional issues to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including documentation of care, raising concerns/whistleblowing, and personalised care
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (please tick all those provided)
2. If you indicated that training on this topic was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend sessions provided?
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 12
1. Did your organisation offer training on reducing smoking in pregnancy to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 13
1a. Did your organisation offer training on screening for foetal growth to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including measurement of symphysis fundal height (SFH), plotting and interpretation of SFH using local charts and when to refer
1b. If you indicated that training on screening for foetal growth was provided by your organisation, what specific training was provided as part of this topic? (please tick all those provided)
1c. Did relevant staff receive training on ultrasound scanning for foetal growth and uterine artery Doppler measurement?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8a. At your organisation, was competency in processes for screening for foetal growth assessed? (as relevant to staff role, including measurement of SFH, use and interpretation of charts, ultrasound scanning for growth and uterine artery doppler measurement)
8b. If competency was assessed and not passed, were relevant clinical duties removed until competent?
8c. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 14
1a. Did your organisation offer training on preterm birth to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including recognition of women at risk, appropriate referral/preventative strategies, and optimisation of perinatal care for the extremely preterm infant
1b. If you indicated that training on preterm birth was provided by your organisation, what specific training was provided as part of this topic? (please tick all those provided)
1c. Did maternity staff have the opportunity to attend multidisciplinary training on optimising perinatal care for the extremely preterm infant with the neonatal team?
2. If you indicated that training on preterm birth was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend sessions provided?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic?
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 15
1. Did your organisation offer training on management of reduced foetal movement to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic?
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 16
1a. Did your organisation offer training to maternity staff on ongoing antenatal and peri-partum risk assessment in the last financial year? Including antenatal & intrapartum risk assessment, planning place of birth, appropriate transfer, appropriate referral/shared-care, and reducing risk of transmission of serious infection to the foetus/neonate
1b. What specific training was provided to staff at your organisation as part of this topic? (please tick all those provided)
2. If you indicated that training on ongoing antenatal and peri-partum risk assessment was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend sessions provided?
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 17
1a. Did your organisation offer training on assessment, management and prevention of perineal trauma to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including management of first, second, third and fourth degree tears, and prevention
1b. What specific training was provided to staff at your organisation as part of this topic? (please tick all those provided)
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)

8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 18
1. Did your organisation offer training on perinatal mental health to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 19
1. Did your organisation offer training on bereavement care to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 20
1a. Did your organisation offer training on new-born care to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including neonatal hypoglycaemia, neonatal jaundice, thermoregulation, procedures and positioning for safe skin-to-skin care, new-born feeding
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
1c. Did training in this topic include appropriate use of neonatal early warning systems?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below

Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 21
1. Did your organisation offer training on care of women following operative interventions to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
3. If mandatory, how often is it required that relevant staff complete this training?
4. If mandatory, what was the minimum duration of training mandated for relevant staff on this topic? (number of hours attended for training to be considered complete)
5. If more than one professional group attended this training, did they attend it together?
6. Who delivered the training on this topic for staff at your organisation, over the last financial year?
7. How was this training delivered? (Please select all that apply)
8. Did you evaluate the training delivered on this topic?
9. If you have anything you would like to add which is relevant to this topic, please comment below
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 22
1. Did your organisation offer training on induction and augmentation of labour to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 23
1a. Did your organisation offer training on instrumental and assisted delivery to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including forceps delivery, ventouse delivery, and manual rotation
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 24
1a. Did your organisation offer training on pain relief during labour and birth to maternity staff in the last financial year? Including safety, choice, access, and consent, and care of epidurals
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 25
1. Did your organisation offer training on cultural competency to maternity staff in the last financial year?
2. If you indicated that this training was considered mandatory, which professional groups were required to attend?
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Topic 26
1a. Did your organisation offer training on safeguarding adults to maternity staff in the last financial year?
1b. What specific training was provided as part of this topic? (Please click all that apply)
Thinking about training offered to maternity staff by your organisation over the last financial year…
Did your organisation provide training to maternity staff on the following topics, in the last financial year?
Topic 27 – Resilience/wellbeing for healthcare professionals
Topic 28 – Promoting normality in childbirth
Topic 29 – Complementary therapies
Topic 30 – Family planning and contraception
Topic 31 – Safeguarding children and young people
Topic 32 – Substance misuse
Topic 33
Did your organisation offer any other training in the last financial year which is provided specifically to staff working in maternity services?
Learning during a Pandemic
1a. Did you provide tailored training to staff who, due to the pandemic, were redeployed to an area within maternity services that differed to their usual role, during the past financial year?
1b. If yes, did you assess whether these staff were competent in necessary skills prior to them practicing independently in a new area?
2a. Have you/do you intend to provide tailored training to staff who, due to the pandemic, have been unable to fulfil their usual role due to a period of shielding, and have/are planning to return to their usual place of work?
2b. If yes, did you/do you plan to assess whether these staff are competent in necessary skills prior to them practicing independently on their return?
3a. Did this year’s Covid-19 pandemic cause you to provide any other training that was additional to what you had planned, specifically delivered to help maternity staff meet the potential additional needs of/risks to women during the pandemic?
3b. Did this year’s Covid-19 pandemic cause you to adapt the training you would have otherwise provided in any other way? (this includes method of delivery, duration, evaluation etc.)
3c. If you adapted the training offered, are there any changes that you plan to retain when prioritising and delivering training in the future (i.e. when pandemic restrictions are no longer in place)?
Final Thoughts
1. In your organisation, have you identified barriers to providing training? If so, what were they?
2. In your organisation, have you identified barriers to staff attendance at scheduled training?
3. About how long did it take to compile your organisation’s responses to questions in this survey?
4. Do you have any further comments, questions or concerns?

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