Recite me link

1. Total non-mandatory training budget 17/18
2. Total non-mandatory training spend 16/17, split by
a. Leadership and Development
b. CPD
c. Other (please specify)
*Please include spend even if delivered in-house, costs incurred from delivering training in-house (for example, cost of trainers, resources etc.)
3. Apprenticeship Levy
a. From the organisations contributions to the Apprenticeship Levy, how much funding has the organisation had access to spend on apprenticeship training in 16/17?
b. Of the amount accessible to the organisation, how much of the funding remains?
c. Please list the training provider(s) used to deliver the organisations apprenticeship levy training in 16/17
d. Please detail each of the types of apprenticeships agreed to be delivered by the training provider(s), including a module breakdown
e. Cost of each of the apprenticeships engaged with in 16/17
4. Please fill in the attached spreadsheet for all HR non-mandatory training the organisation has engaged with in the last 12 months.
5. Who is responsible for the procurement of external non-mandatory training?
a. Name
b. Job Title/Department
a. Does the trust use ESR OLM?
b. What % of the workforce have successfully completed at least one (national or local) e-learning course within the previous 3 months to September

Download response HR Non Mandatory Training Courses. 141217