Recite me link

1.) Does your trust run a headache clinic? YES/NO
If YES how many per week/month [delete as appropriate]
2.) Does your trust run a migraine clinic? YES/NO
If YES how many per week/month [delete as appropriate]
3.) Does your trust run a botulinum A [botox] clinic (regardless of any indication or department)? YES/NO
4.) In the past 6 months how many patients have been treated for chronic migraine?
5.) Could you please provide me with the following numbers of patients treated in the last 6 months, with the following drugs for Chronic Migraine. If none, please state None.
• Botox
• Dysport
• Xeomin
• Topiramate / anticonvulsant
• Beta-blocker
• Calcium channel blocker
• Anti-serotonergic
• Tricyclic anti-depressant

Download response Headaches and Chronic Migraines. 091018