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Glaucoma Treatment Pathway – (possible responsible person is Director/Clinical Manager for Ophthalmology)
1) On average, how many follow up visits would a patient have in their first year following a glaucoma surgery procedure?
2) How many follow up visits would a patient have in the first year following a minimally invasive glaucoma surgery procedure?
3) Could your hospital provide a specific minimally invasive glaucoma pathway?

HES Data – (Business Manager for Ophthalmology)
4) What is the total number of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery procedures performed in your Trust from April 2015-2016?
5) How many combined glaucoma surgery with Phacoemulsification and lens extraction procedures were performed in your hospital from April 2015-2016?
6) How many glaucoma surgeries were performed in your Trust from April 2015-2016?
7) How many minimally invasive glaucoma surgery procedures were performed in conjunction with Phacoemulsification Cataract Extraction and Lens implant procedures from April 2015-2015?

Surgeon Information – (Director/Clinical Manager for Ophthalmology)
8) How many surgeons perform glaucoma surgery in your hospital? Of the surgeons who perform glaucoma surgery in your hospital, how many perform
minimally invasive glaucoma surgery?
9) Does your hospital Trust have a block contract with its affiliate CCG (Health Board)?

Reimbursement – (Business Manager for Ophthalmology)
10) What OPSC4 code(s) is being used to code for the implantation of Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery devices at your Trust?
11) What is the HRG coding and 2017/18 National Tariff reimbursement for minimally invasive glaucoma surgery procedures performed in conjunction with Phacoemulsification Cataract Extraction and Lens implant procedures?

Procurement – (Business Manager or Procurement Officer for Ophthalmology)
12) What was your Trusts budget for minimally invasive glaucoma surgery procedures from April 2015 – 2016? What price does your Trust pay for its most commonly used minimally invasive glaucoma surgery device?
13) What minimally invasive glaucoma surgery device(s) is your hospitals using? E.g. iStent, Xen Gel, etc
14) What was the process for gaining approval for a minimally invasive glaucoma device(s) at your hospital?

Download response Glaucoma services at Maidstone Hospital. 020617