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1) Please state the organisation’s carbon reduction target

2) Lighting
a. Has the organisation updated any of its lighting to energy efficient LEDs?
b. What % of lighting assets have been upgraded?
c. How many bulbs, tubes etc. does this represent?
d. What date did these upgrades take place?
e. What was the total value of the initial investment?
f. How did you fund the investment? Please include the name of any third party finance providers.
g. What are the projected annual savings?
a. budgeted
b. Actual
h. Over how many years is this project expected to break even?
i. Does the organisation have further plans to upgrade lighting?
j. If so, has all the required funding been secured?
k. When is the project due to start?
l. Are there any further plans identified where funding has not yet been secured?
m. Who at the organisation is accountable for securing the funding and management of these projects (please provide name and job title)?

3) Other Energy-Saving Initiatives
What other efficiency projects have you engaged with? Please list all current and planned projects and provide the following information:

4) Third Party Providers
Has the organisation engaged with any third party providers, either a company offering energy efficiency financing (Green Investment Bank, Salix Finance etc.) or through energy performance contracts (EPCs) with energy service providers, to fund the organisations energy efficiency initiatives? Please provide the following details for all arrangements, including any already listed in responses to previous questions:

Download response Energy initiatives. 280717