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1 Please enter the name of the location
2 Is the location a hub or satellite?
3 If the location is a satellite, what is the associated hub?
Operational details
4 How many haemodialysis patients does the location cover?
5 How many peritoneal dialysis patients does the location cover?
6 How many home dialysis patients are served from this location?
7 Who provides the service – internal (NHS) or external (private provider e.g. Freseneus)?
If internal:
8 Do you plan to publicly tender this service?
9 If yes, when do you plan to do this by? Please provide the year
If external:
10 What is the name of the provider who delivers the service?
11 When was the contract start date?
12 When is the contract expiry date?
13 If there is an extension period to this contract?
14 How long is the extension period in years?
15 What is the total value of the contract, in pounds?
16 How many dialysis stations does the centre have?
17 How many days per week is the centre open?
18 How many sessions per day can the centre do?
19 How many sessions per week does the centre do on average?

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