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1. What is the approximate local population catchment your hospital trust provides services for?
2. For each MRI, CT, and PET-CT, please set out the location for each scanner located on Trust property using one line per machine:
3. For each scanner listed in Question 2 as per index, please set out the type of ownership and both the year of manufacture and the year of installation in your trust for each machine:
4. For each scanner listed in Question 3 that is not owned by the trust and as per index, please list the name of the company providing the service:
5. For each scanner listed in Question 2 as per index, please set out the current ‘normal opening hours’ of the service per week and indicate whether this includes a non-emergency weekend service or not:
6. Please set out the total number of MRI, CT, and PET/CT scans that were carried out on scanners within your trust in the financial years (April to March) 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, and 2015/16:
7. Please set out the total number of MRI, CT, and PET/CT scans referred by clinicians from your trust, regardless of whether they were carried out at your trust or at another trust or provider, in the financial years (April to March) 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, and 2015/16:
8. Please list the providers outside your trust below that carried out MRI, CT, and PET/CT scans on your trust’s patients trust during the financial year 2015/16:
9. For each of the hospital providers listed in Question 8 as per index, please set out the total number of MRI, CT, or PET/CT scans that were carried there on your behalf in the financial years (April to March) 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16:
10. Does your trust currently hold plans to extend its MRI, CT, or PET/CT capacity (e.g. increase number of scanners)?
11. If yes, what is the likely procurement method your trust is likely to take?
12. Does your trust currently hold plans to invest into high value (>£500k) capital diagnostic equipment (both radiological and non-radiological) over the next five years?
13. If your trust has done any assessment/forecasting of the evolution of demand for MRI, CT, and/or PET-CT scanning, either historic or future, please provide a copy.

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