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1) Please tell me separately for 2019/20 and 2020/21 the number of patients who have died during the reporting period
2) The number of deaths included in 2019/20 and 2020/21 which the provider has subjected to a case record review or an investigation to determine what problems (if any) there were in the care provided to the patient
3) An estimate of the number of deaths in 2019/20 and 2020/21 for which a case record review or investigation has been carried out which the provider judges as a result of the review or investigation were more likely than not to have been due to problems in the care provided to the patient, with an explanation of the methods used to assess this.
4) Please provide me with a brief overview of the FIRST FIVE incidents (in 2020/21 preferably or from 2019/20 if this is not yet available) identified in question 3 (i.e. cases of deaths that were more likely than not caused by problems in care), withholding any identifying information that would run into a Section 40 exemption.
5) Finally, can you please summarise what the Trust learnt and what actions have been taken as a result of the aforementioned cases/investigations.

Download response Deaths caused by care. 150721.docx