All questions pertain to the following dates: 01/12/2019 to 30/11/2021. I would like to know the following:
1.a) How many people have died in your hospitals within 28 days of testing positive for COVID-19?
1.b) Of those people, how many had underlying health conditions / co-morbidities and how many did not? Please provide absolute numbers and percentages.
1.c) Please also state the top 5 underlying health conditions / co-morbidities of those people.
1.d) Please state how many of those people were vaccinated and how many were not. Please provide absolute numbers and percentages. For vaccinated people, please break down the response in the following way: i) received one dose, ii) received two or more doses.
2.a) How many people have died in your hospitals purely and only due to COVID-19?
2.b) Of those people, how many had underlying health conditions / co-morbidities and how many did not? Please provide absolute numbers and percentages.
2.c) Please also state the top 5 underlying health conditions / co-morbidities of those people.
2.d) Please state how many of those people were vaccinated and how many were not. Please provide absolute numbers and percentages. For vaccinated people, please break down the response in the following way: i) received one dose, ii) received two or more doses.
Please keep the numbers/figures/percentages/etc. provided in response to questions 2.a-d separate from the numbers/figures/percentages/etc. provided in response to questions 1.a-d. If that is not possible, please clearly indicate which numbers are combined.