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I am seeking information about the number of complaints received by your hospital trust in the past five years for the following specialties: neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and vascular surgery.
Specifically, I would like to request the following information for each specialty:
1. The total number of complaints received for each specialty in each of the past five years;
2. The nature of the complaint;
3. The outcome of the complaint, including any actions taken by the hospital trust to address the issue;
I did have a quick question as to whether I could incorporate two further questions into my request. This would put any complaint data you able to provide into an appropriate context (e.g. to contextualise 10 complaints with the fact 1,000 operations were performed):
4. Number of operations performed in the past five calendar years for the following specialties: neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and vascular surgery;
5. Number of reportable / recordable patient safety incidents in the past five calendar years for the following specialties: neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and vascular surgery
a. Breakdown by incident category (if available);