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1) Please provide data of the absolute numbers of patients with laboratory results for each of the following clinical thromboembolic events, monthly from Jan 2019 until now, and by age cohort:
a) lymphopenia (low lymphocyte levels) (using local laboratory cut offs).
b) thrombocytopenia (low platelet levels) (using local laboratory cut offs).
c) D dimers at each of these levels: <500; 500-999; 1000-1499; 1500+
d) patients coded as having had thrombotic/embolic strokes
e) patients coded as having had a deep venous thrombosis
f) patients coded as having a pulmonary embolism including bilateral DVT
2) Please provide data for the following, monthly from Jan 2019 until now, and by age cohort:
a) the number of FBC requested
b) the number of D-dimer tests requested

Download response Clinical thromboembolic events. 020721