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1. Please enter the name of your hospital or trust.
2. Does your trust use point-of-care testing for cardiac markers?
3. In what areas of the hospital is cardiac marker point-of-care testing used?
( ) ED
( ) Wards
( ) Intensive care
( ) Outpatient clinics
( ) Other (please specify)
4. For which cardiac markers does your trust use POCT?
( ) Troponin
( ) BNP
( ) D-dimer
( ) CK-MB
( ) Myoglobin
( ) Other (please specify)
5. For each POC cardiac marker test used in your trust, how many tests are performed every week?
Troponin –
D-dimer –
Myoglobin –
Other –
6. What is the average cost per test (excluding overheads) for each cardiac marker POCT?
Troponin –
D-dimer –
Other –
7. How much is spent by your trust per year on cardiac marker point-of-care testing?
Total –
Troponin –
D-dimer –
Other –

Download response Cardiac marker point of care tests. 251116