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Q1. Could you please provide the numbers of patients treated in the last 3 months by the Dermatology department (for any medical condition) with the following biologic drugs:
· Adalimumab – Humira
· Adalimumab Biosimilar
· Apremilast
· Brodalumab
· Certolizumab
· Dimethyl fumarate
· Etanercept – Enbrel
· Etanercept Biosimilar
· Guselkumab
· Infliximab – Remicade
· Infliximab Biosimilar
· Ixekizumab
· Risankizumab
· Secukinumab
· Tildrakizumab
· Ustekinumab
Q2. For the patients treated by the Dermatology department in the last three months with any of the above drugs, can you please provide the total number of paediatric (up to age 16) versus adult patients?
Q3. Could you please provide the numbers of patients treated in the last 3 months by the Gastroenterology department (for any medical condition) with the following biologic drugs:
a. Adalimumab – Humira
b. Adalimumab Biosimilar
c. Golimumab
d. Infliximab – Remicade
e. Infliximab Biosimilar
f. Tofacitinib
g. Ustekinumab
h. Vedolizumab

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