Please disclose the information listed in the below table rows for each of the 4 staff groups in the table columns by return email within 20 days as per the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
1. Please provide agency spend for the staff group for the year 2022.
2. Please provide bank spend for the staff group for the year 2022.
3. Please confirm which model you have in place for managing the staff group: Email to preferred supplier List, a Master Vendor, a Neutral Vendor, or a Software cascade to a preferred supplier list.
4. If you have a master vendor or neutral vendor in place, please confirm who this contract is with and the date on which this contract expires.
5. Please confirm what percentage of bookings over the last 6 months have been within the NHSI/E agency caps (an approximation based on NHSI data submissions is fine).
6. Please confirm which provider manages your direct engagement process, the fee for the service and the date on which this contract expires (no this is not relevant for Nursing).
7. Please confirm what percentage of bookings are processed with a VAT savings by your direct engagement provider
8. Is your bank managed by an external bank provider (eg. NHS Professionals, Bank Partners) or in-house? Please confirm who is the external bank provider and when the contract expires if relevant.
9. Is your bank managed via software? If so, please confirm which software.
10. Please confirm what the percentage is on framework (for example, “£6,650,000 – 99% framework /20% off-framework”) for the year 2022.
11. Please confirm what percentage is off-framework (for example, “£6,650,000 – 99% framework /20% off-framework”) for the year 2022.
12. Please confirm the direct engagement- DE% uptake for the year 2022.
13. Please confirm the direct engagement- DE provider.
14. Please confirm the direct engagement- DE contract end date.