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1. Does your organisation have a standard aseptic technique?
IF YES: Please continue to question 2.IF NO: Please go direct to question 9.
2. What is your standard aseptic technique called?
a) We use ANTT (If no go to 2b)
b) We use an alternative standard aseptic technique: (State what this standard technique is termed and where it is defined)
3. Is ANTT or your alternative standard aseptic technique stipulated in policy(s)?
4. Does your organisation provide specific education and training for ANTT or your alternative standard aseptic technique?
5. Does your organisation provide clinical competency assessment for ANTT or your alternative standard aseptic technique?
6. Is compliance to ANTT or your alternative standard aseptic technique audited?
7. Does your organisation provide a periodic competency assessment update?
8. Does your organisation use ANTT Procedure Guidelines?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 1 you have completed the survey – thank you
If you answered ‘No’ to Question 1 please answer the below:
9. What best describes the different aseptic techniques used in your organisation:
Aseptic technique
Sterile technique
Clean technique
Non-touch technique
A combination of the above

Download response Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT).260219