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I would like to request the following information regarding your agency nurse spend for the months of March, April, and May 2024, specifically for “Band 2 HCAs” and separately for “all other Nursing & Midwifery roles”:
1.Top 10 Nurse Agencies by Spend:
a. Please provide a list of your top 10 nurse agencies by spend for the months of March, April, and May 2024.
b. For each agency, specify whether they are on-framework or off-framework.
c. Provide this information separately for “Band 2 HCAs” and “all other Nursing & Midwifery roles”.
2. On-Framework vs Off-Framework Spend:
a. Provide the total spend for the months of March, April, and May 2024.
b. Break down the spend into on-framework and off-framework categories.
c. Provide this information separately for “Band 2 HCAs” and “all other Nursing & Midwifery roles”.
3. Compliance with NHS England Rate Caps:
a. Specify the number of agency shifts in May 2024 that were compliant with NHS England Rate Caps.
b. Provide this information separately for “Band 2 HCAs” and “all other Nursing & Midwifery roles”.
4. Compliance with Agency Spend Ceiling:
a. Total agency spend (all staff groups, including Nursing & Midwifery (and HCAs), Medical and Dental, Non-Medical Non-Clinical, and any others) between 1st January and 31st May 2024.
b. What does this figure represent as a percentage of the Trust’s total pay bill for the same period.

Agency usage and spend.181124.docx