Recite me link

I am looking at the other positions supplied, starting with AHP and HSS staff.
Allied Health Professionals Health Science Services
Dieticians Biomedical Scientists
Occupational Therapists Cytologists
Orthoptists Dental Service Staff (excluding dental nurses)
Physiotherapists Genetic Counsellors
Podiatrists Healthcare Scientists
Psychologists Medical Technologists
Radiographers Optometrists
Speech and Language Therapists Pathologists
Pharmacy Services Staff

Please could you provide me with the following information:
1. Names of Agencies used to provide AHP or HSS staff over the last 12 months
2. Monthly spend, on Agency Staff, per job role over the last 12 months
3. Hours, per job role, filled each month by Agency over the last 12 months
4. Number of shifts offered to Agencies for each role, monthly for the last 12 months.
5. Number of shifts filled by Agency for each role, monthly for the last 12 months.

Download response letter Agency Staff. 210917