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1) Since 1st April 2020, what are the top three / most expensive hourly rates (including all cost elements i.e. pay, agency fee, NI, PAYE taxes, VAT and any associated managed service / master vendor fee) paid for agency doctors working at each of the following grades?
Please respond to question one by populating the template below as per the example.
Please clarify the Specialty for which each of the rates was paid as shown.

2) Since 1st April 2020, what are the bottom three / least expensive hourly rates (including all cost elements i.e. pay, agency fee, NI, PAYE taxes, VAT and any associated managed service / master vendor fee) paid for agency doctors working at each of the following grades?
Please respond to question one by populating the template below as per the example.
Please clarify the Specialty for which each of the rates was paid as shown.

3) For each of the “job titles” (Grade / Specialty) mention in your response to questions 1 and 2, please disclose the average hourly rate paid for agency doctors of the same Grade and Specialty since 1st April 2020.
There should be a maximum of 18 unique “job titles” in the tables above; please use the template below as per the example given at the bottom.

Download response Agency doctor pay rates. 130421